Editorial Policy

Our Mission and Values

SuchCrypto.co is committed to providing accurate, unbiased, and ethical reporting on cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.

Our content is guided by transparency and a dedication to factual, well-researched reporting.

We aim to demystify the fast-evolving world of crypto, offering readers insights into the complexities of digital currencies, decentralized finance, and blockchain innovation.

With complete editorial independence, we ensure that our reporting is free from external influences and rooted in journalistic integrity.

Ethical Journalism

Our commitment to ethical journalism ensures fairness, accuracy, and accountability.

We do not permit plagiarism, misinformation, or conflicts of interest.

Every article is thoroughly researched and fact-checked to meet the highest standards of credible reporting.

Corrections are handled transparently, with errors clearly identified and promptly addressed.

Sensitive topics, such as scams or financial losses, are reported responsibly to protect readers and uphold ethical principles.

We break down complex crypto and blockchain topics, providing context to help readers understand the implications, risks, and opportunities of this transformative technology.

Engaging Responsibly with Sources and Audiences

We prioritize clear and transparent sourcing.

Anonymous sources are used only when absolutely necessary and in the public interest, with senior editorial approval.

We actively seek input from all relevant stakeholders to ensure balanced and thorough reporting.

Reader feedback is central to our mission.

Concerns about inaccuracies or policy violations are reviewed openly, and we take corrective actions as needed.

Our inclusive approach reflects a diverse range of voices from the global crypto community.

SuchCrypto.co avoids sensationalism, harmful stereotypes, and misleading content.

We take special care when reporting on topics like fraud, regulatory actions, and market volatility to minimize harm and provide clear, actionable information.

Innovation and Accountability

We leverage technology, including AI tools, to enhance our workflows, such as for data analysis and transcription.

However, human oversight remains at the core of our editorial process to ensure quality and accuracy.

Our privacy policy reflects our commitment to protecting user data in compliance with industry regulations.

Readers can reach out to us at support@suchcrypto.co with any questions or feedback.